The Value of Strategy

How to create value with products/services that people want using UX strategy.
There is popular saying: “ideas are easy” – and given the right motivation, time and a very good martini we can all generate a clever or smart idea. Ideas are not enough, as people, businesses and large oranisations we need to execute and integrate past the idea.

This execution and integration phase is where strategic development and direction bring real value to the fore. The core elements of a strategy should encompass the following;

  1. An understanding of the problem that is being solved by the idea – the “why” we do it.
  2. The solving of this problem is done/created – the “how” we do it
  3. Generate real value for a user/customer – the “what” we need to do

Once we have a strategic direction, a vision of a solution will be formalised, a critical next step is the validation of this vision with real potential customers – this evidence or research should prove or disprove that there is real desire in the market place.

Strategic development can and should be done before a single line of code or a logo drawn or a product is sketched – importantly everyone has limited resources and need to move fast, using lean methods and agile frameworks can prevent teams from being overwhelmed no matter what the limitations.

Strategy moves from past abstract design principals into the land of structured critical thinking. Thinking that is disciplined and clear, rational and open minded and supported by evidence. Integrating these skills is an important function of strategic management that will yield exceptional results.

As UX (user experience) strategists we facilitate this management and help our clients face dilemmas and chase dreams – we give form and shape to ideas with narratives and story boards supported by evidence with a clear destination in view.

We help align and discover the place where the business goals and aims cross into customer needs and experiences. Getting this right from the start allows two states to emerge – failing smart or gaining the competitive advantage

Finally, we see UX strategy as a critical success factor – if you have a new digital product/software idea or you want to reinvent the wheel, a process of user strategy needs to be undertaken. True value is about aligning newness with utility and price at its most simple level.  Getting to this level requires the strategic element to be elevated as a must have process.  

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