Do's & Don'ts of Website Redesign

Do's of effective Website Redesign
Set clear objectives
Define specific goals for your redesign, such as improving user experience, increasing conversions,
or enhancing brand identity. This will guide your decisions throughout the process.
Research your audience
Use an empathy map to plot and analyse user behaviour, conduct surveys and gather feedback to
understand your target audience's needs and preferences. This insight will help you create a more user-centric design.
Prioritise user experience (UX)
Focus on creating an intuitive navigation structure, responsive design, and fast loading times.
A user-friendly website is crucial for engagement and conversions.
Optimise for SEO
Use the redesign as an opportunity to improve your search engine optimisation. Update meta tags, optimise content, and ensure proper URL structure. Use your “Google My Business” listing to leverage local search.
Maintain brand consistency
While refreshing your site's look, keep your brand identity intact. Use consistent colours,
typography, and imagery that align with your brand guidelines.

Don'ts of Website Redesign
❌ Don't rush the process.
Avoid hurrying through the redesign. Take the time to plan, design, and test thoroughly to
prevent mistakes and oversights.
❌ Don't ignore mobile responsiveness.
With significant web traffic from mobile devices, ensure your redesign is
fully responsive and works well on all screen sizes.
❌ Don't neglect content quality.
While focusing on design, don't overlook the importance of high-quality, relevant content.
Use the redesign as an opportunity to update and improve your website's content.
❌ Don't disregard your existing site's strengths.
Analyse what's working well on your current site and incorporate those elements into your redesign. Don't do a complete reset without learning from past successes.
❌ Don't launch without thorough testing.
Before going live, conduct extensive testing across different devices and browsers. Check for broken links, form functionality, and overall user experience.

By following these do's & don'ts, you'll be well-equipped to create a successful website redesign that looks great, performs well, and meets your business objectives.
For a deeper look into processes and workflows, go to and get our
Website Redesign Checklist pdf or Empathy Mapping pdf.

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