RACS - CPD Dashboard

The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) sought to enhance their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program through improved UI/UX design. The goal was to create an intuitive "My CPD" dashboard and secondary pages to streamline information access for Fellows within the new CPD2.0 framework.

The Challenge:

RACS needed to increase awareness and usability of their CPD2.0 compliance services among Fellows while reducing administrative workload through improved user experience and self-service options. The existing system lacked a cohesive interface and efficient navigation, leading to potential confusion and underutilisation of CPD resources.

The Solution:

A comprehensive UI/UX redesign project was undertaken, focusing on the following key aspects:

  1. Intuitive Dashboard Design
    • Created a centralised "My CPD" dashboard showcasing essential elements like annual learning plans, category progress, and overall CPD status
    • Implemented a year-view selector for easy navigation between CPD periods
  2. Streamlined Information Access
    • Organised critical information into clear categories: Audit, Performance Review, and Education Activities
    • Integrated quick-access shortcuts for certificates, transcripts, and exemption requests
  3. Visual Progress Tracking
    • Developed graphical representations of RACS competencies for annual and 3-year views
    • Implemented progress bars and countdown timers for remaining CPD days
  4. Enhanced User Engagement
    • Incorporated course recommendations and polls to encourage active participation
    • Introduced a Peer Connect feature to facilitate collaboration among Fellows
  5. Responsive Design
    • Ensured compatibility across multiple screen sizes using a responsive grid layout
    • Optimised the interface for both desktop and mobile devices
  6. Brand Consistency
    • Applied RACS brand guidelines with suggested colour enhancements for improved visual appeal
    • Maintained a cohesive look and feel across all dashboard elements and secondary pages
  7. User Support Integration
    • Embedded CPD support resources, including contact information and instructional videos
      Implemented context-sensitive help tooltips throughout the interface

The Impact:

The redesigned CPD2.0 dashboard and secondary pages resulted in significant improvements:

  1. Increased Engagement
    • Fellows reported higher satisfaction with the intuitive interface, leading to increased usage of CPD resources
  2. Improved Compliance
    • The clear visualisation of progress and requirements resulted in better adherence to CPD guidelines
  3. Reduced Administrative Burden
    • The self-service options and improved navigation reduced the need for administrative support, freeing up staff resources
  4. Enhanced Brand Perception
    • The modern, user-friendly design reinforced RACS' commitment to innovation and member support
  5. Streamlined Workflow
    • Fellows could more efficiently plan, track, and complete their CPD activities, leading to time savings and improved productivity


With effective user-centric UI/UX design delivered by DPD, RACS successfully transformed its CPD program interface, creating a more engaging, efficient, and user-friendly experience for its Fellows. This redesign not only improved the usability of the CPD2.0 framework but also strengthened RACS' brand identity as a forward-thinking professional organisation committed to supporting its members' ongoing development.

Project Details
Glenferrie Group Neami National - Tender Approval Automation